Locating the Appropriate Hearing Aid Battery Size for Your Hearing Aid

“What type of battery will my hearing aid require?” is a hard question to answer generally, because there are many different models of hearing aids, and each requires a battery that fits it and provides adequate energy to power it. The simplest scenario to deal with is if you already wear a hearing aid; in that case, read the owner’s manual that came with it or get in touch with the providers who fit it for you to identify the correct battery. If you are still looking for a hearing aid and attempting to decide which model is right for you, you might wish to do some research to help you in your selection. The reason behind this is that hearing aid batteries differ in price and in battery lifespan, and so a rough knowledge of how many batteries you’ll need over time may influence your choice of which hearing aid to buy.

The producers of hearing aids and hearing aid batteries have made things simpler for you by implementing a standardized color coding system, to help make finding the correct size easier. Batteries of the same type and size will always share the same color code on their packages, regardless of who manufactured them.

In all likelihood your hearing aid will utilize one of these four types:

Yellow indicates Size 10 batteries. Size 10 are the smallest and most plentiful type of hearing aid battery with a normal battery life of 80 hours. Size 10 batteries are standard in In-The-Canal (ITC) and Completely-In-Canal (CIC) hearing aids.

The color brown always means Size 312 batteries. These batteries are on the smaller side and normally maintain a charge for around 175 hours. These batteries are commonly found in In-The-Ear (ITE) and In-The-Canal (ITC) hearing aids.

Size 13 batteries are generally used in In-the-Ear (ITE) and Behind-the-Ear (BTE) hearing aids, and have an average battery lifespan of 240 hours.

Size 675 has the color code of blue, and is popular in Behind-The-Ear (BTE) hearing aids and in certain cochlear implants; the 675 batteries are fairly large and have the benefit of a long charge – as much as 300 hours.

These 4 battery types cover most hearing aids, however there are some exceptions that require alternative batteries. Finding alternate sizes can be somewhat harder since many retailers do not stock them, but if you inquire they can be ordered for you.

Don’t forget to consult the owner’s manual that comes with your device before buying batteries, because some of the modern hearing aids use rechargeable batteries, so disposable batteries are only needed as backups. Also, always store your hearing aid batteries at room temperature in their sealed packages to make sure that they hold their charge.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.

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