Ideal Hearing Aid Styles for Children

Hearing loss is unfortunately not uncommon amongst young children, but with the proper type of hearing aid many children can significantly increase their hearing and speaking ability. The amount of types, options, and different sizes can be confusing to the parent deciding on a hearing aid for their youngster. Read on for more information on the styles of hearing aids best suited to aid young listeners.

There are two primary types of hearing aids that effectively work for kids: In-the-ear (ITE) and behind-the-ear (BTE).

Because children are still growing and developing, their hearing aids must be adjusted on a regular basis. The two main styles of hearing aids that are most easy to fine-tune are BTE and in-the-ear products, which is much of the reason they are generally selected for children. Fitted to the child’s outer ear, ITE hearing aids are little units in plastic cases. Other technologies like telecoil can be incorporated into this kind of product. BTE aids have a little plastic case that is worn behind the ear. This case is attached to a plastic earmold that generates sound to the child’s ear. Both styles of hearing aids can address mild to severe hearing issues.

Finding the best style of hearing aid for your child can become difficult, especially if he or she has other medical issues. Children whose ears are not adequately developed may have issues wearing behind-the-ear units. Children with shallower ear canals may not have the necessary space to allow for an ITE unit. An excessive build-up of ear wax can hinder hearing aid function, particularly for units that rest in the ear.

The most effective way to choose the best hearing aid for your child is to talk to your hearing specialist. Your specialist will have an understanding of your child’s specific situation and use these facts to make educated suggestions. You can also look to this specialist to understand more about your own role in optimizing your child’s ability to hear. Removing, inserting, or fine-tuning the volume of your child’s hearing aids to make certain they are comfortable may be up to you if your child is young.

Although it may seem confusing initially, research and consulting with an expert will help you better understand the ideal hearing aid choices for your child.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.

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