Do You Want to Learn How to Put in an In-Home Home Hearing Loop System?

Congratulations are in order on your recent hearing loop purchase and taking the first step toward a more enjoyable hearing experience for you and your family. Although it may have seemed like a challenge to decide on the right system from all the fantastic options available, it should be much easier for you to install your hearing loop after you get it home and out of the box. Fortunately, a professional is not necessary to install a home hearing loop, because the steps are quite straightforward.

Project preparation

Hearing loop systems have four main parts – the sound source (your telephone or television), the wire loop, the amplifier and your hearing aid or sound receiver. Be sure you have all the equipment and accessories you will need to put in the system. It might be very helpful to have stapler and a screwdriver accessible.

Getting down to work

The first step is to attach your amplifier close to your television set with the fasteners that were included with your loop or merely place it next to your television on a shelf. After that, plug in the adapter’s power cable into an outlet and the free cable into the audio output jack your TV. Step three is to run the wire loop along the room’s perimeter, securing it with staples either under the carpet, along the baseboard or against the top of the wall. Presto. You are done. The last thing left to do is modify the volume settings according to hearing loop system manufacturer’s instructions. Depending on your hearing loop system, the volume is managed by either the amplifier itself or a separate control panel.

Safety advice

Keep your hearing loop system away from water sources (vases, aquariums or sinks) or moist areas. Always keep the components of your loop system dry, even when cleaning. Also make sure the loop is far from heat sources, such as a space heater or even other electronics. Be sure to put the loop system in a well-ventilated area, not enclosed in a cabinet or box where it is likely to get too hot.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.

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