Shocking Hearing Loss Stats and Figures

Trying to find some facts and statistics to finally get a loved one to have a hearing test or be fitted for a hearing aid? Chatting about some of the data related to the prevalence, causes and effects of hearing problems may at long last get them to make that very first appointment.

Below are a few facts and statistics to help you make your case:

  • Of those aged 65 and older, an average of 13% experience tinnitus – a ringing in the ears.
  • Women are less likely to have hearing problems than men.
  • Nearly one of of every five people in the United States have some kind of hearing loss – that amounts to 36 million people!
  • The number of Americans with hearing loss has doubled in the last 3 decades.
  • More people could really benefit from a hearing aid than actually wear one. Some estimates claim there are 4 additional people who could benefit, for every 1 actually using a hearing aid.
  • Noise is a key contributing factor to hearing loss. Noise has already resulted in irreversible hearing loss for 10 million. Another 30 million people are exposed to unsafe noise levels on a daily basis.
  • About 23,000 people in the US have cochlear implants – 43 percent of the them children.
  • Research studies have indicated that those with hearing loss experience it as mild in 65% of cases, moderate in 30% of cases and severe in 5% of cases.
  • High frequency hearing loss caused by regular loud noise exposure affects about 26 million people in the United States (ages 20-69). This consists of regular noise exposure from both work and recreational sources.
  • People with hearing loss wait close to a whole decade – ten years – before taking any action. Don’t let this be you or someone you love!
The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.

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